Well, before I get to the really fun stuff, I'll give you a little Laura Kate update. Thursday we went to see Dr. Hogg who is Laura Kate's pediatric nephrologist. He said that the blood in her urine isn't particularly concerning. The markers he looks for in determining a problem are protein in the urine, kidney function (as indicated by a urine test), and blood pressure. He said all three factors were excellent in Laura Kate. So, her kidneys are fine. He said she has IGA nephritis (atleast I think that's what it's called) as a result of the HSP. When she got that little cold a couple of weeks ago, it irritated something inside her kidneys and caused the blood. He also said that we shouldn't be surprised if we see that again whenever she has any upper respiratory issues. So, that's a weight off of our minds. AND, Laura Kate got along quite famously with Dr. Hogg. You would think they had always been the best of friends.
Now we have to focus on the gut issues. Wednesday afternoon, Dr. Pohl said that he wanted to do an upper and lower GI scope. Yipee, sounds like fun, huh? I'm not too thrilled about it. But, you have to do what you have to do. He said he'd sedate her, then put a soft tube down her throat to have a peek, then go in from the other end. Yikes! They'd have to put me to sleep, too! I'll let you know when I have more details on when that'll take place.
Now for the fun stuff. Wednesday night our church hosted a fall festival as an alternative to a Halloween celebration. That was good, since our girls don't go trick-or-treating. They had the opportunity to dress up and play with their friends. We had a great time, and the weather was beautiful. I was pleasantly surprised that we didn't all freeze when the sun went down! Here are some pics and commentary:
Anna and Kara. These two are a hoot to observe. Anna is loud, Kara is quiet. Kara is adventurous and brave, Anna can be a little too cautious. But, they get along really well. They've been friends for half of their lives, which is only 2 years, but that's a long time for 4 year-olds :)
Princesses as far a the eye can see: Kaylei, Layla, Laura Kate, Anna, and Jordan. Jordan is another little one who's been friends with Anna for a long time. If I'm not mistaken, they've been friends since before their first birthdays! Anna is truly blessed with such sweet little buddies.