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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

There's a light at the end of this tunnel...

That's one of my very favorite songs...Tunnel by Third Day. I love Third Day. If all goes well over the next couple of weeks, we'll be going to see them in concert in Little Rock, Arkansas. Anyway, I chose that title for this post because it popped into my head as I was thinking about posting. We've been a little harried and worried around here. Things seem to pile up and not stop. But, we have it a lot better than so many other people. And there is a light at the end of this tunnel. All that we go through it but a vapor in the context of eternity. For reasons unfathomable, God has chosen to adopt and bless us. He takes care and provides for us. And, no matter what happens here, we have eternal glory to look forward to. That's some pretty good light.

So, I come to the other purpose for this post-a Laura Kate update. I'm ready to stop giving these. It's all pretty good news. Dr. Bierwirth wanted to examine Laura Kate yesterday afternoon. She had a fever at the end of last week, then it came back Monday night. He was concerned about infection, so I took her in. Everything looked ok, but he was afraid that since he couldn't get a urine sample to test from her, she might have a bladder infection or UTI that he could positively diagnose. So, he went ahead and have her an antibiotic. Last night her fever got pretty darn close to 105, so I think (and I'm not a doctor, so my thoughts don't count for much) that she probably does have some kind of infection, and not just a cold. I think she's pretty well over her cold. She's just coughing a tiny bit, probably getting up any drainage that was in her chest. This cold was remarkably mild. Gotta be happy about that!

Hopefully Laura Kate can have a fever free birthday! That's what we are shooting for right now. It's hard to believe that she'll be 3 in a little over 24 hours. On the other hand, so many people can't believe she's only 3. She's such a mature, patient little thing. We've always marvelled at just how laid back and pleasant she is. These recent little trials have made those invaluable character traits. She's such a big girl. We're so proud. We'll be sure to post plenty of pictures of pizza and cupcakes tomorrow ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have such a great perspective on things Keri. I hope Laura Kate has a wonderful fever free birthday tomorrow. She is such a sweet girl.