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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thawing Out

There isn't much new going on here in the Mitchell house, except that we are no longer frozen solid :) The temperature was 23 degrees when we woke up this morning. We had to chip the ice off of our legs in order to get out of bed ;)

Thankfully, it is currently 51 degrees outside. Not the tropical paradise I was hoping for, but we'll take it. Hopefully we'll get out and play this afternoon. Nothin' doin' yesterday. The trampoline had a sheet of ice on it. Would have make a nice mini-skating rink, but when it melted it was a wet mess. Cold and wet aren't a good combo in my estimation. Everything is currently dry, so looks like outdoor play will be a go.

I haven't taken any pics lately, so there aren't any to post. When I have the camera, nobody wants to look or pose. When something cool happens, I don't have the camera. This is the story of my photographic life. Filled with frustration and regret...ha ha.

While trying to think of something cool to share, I actually thought of something. It came to me just now, not 12 hours later (as it often does). I've taken up guitar. Yes, I wanna be a rock star. Well, maybe not. It sounds cool in theory, but let's be honest, I'm not the hippest chick on the block. And, if we're continuing down the road of honestly, it's not likely that I'll posses one iota of talent. That's ok, though. My primary goal is to be able to play a few of the many acoustic guitar parts in worship songs that I absolutely love. The guitar will be sort of another outlet for worship. My dream goal (if there is even such a thing) is to form a band of cool mom musicians. Maybe Deana on the keyboard, Kristen on the drums, Kelly on bass, Carolyn and me on guitar, and Diana and Adriana can share lead vocals. Adriana was, afterall, the best vocalist at the Sausage Festival! *It was the Sausage Festival, right?* Nancy can be our business manager. Tena can be our technical manager. Faith can be our production manager. Band name suggestions are welcome. I have no ideas at present. Aah, I can see it now...

Justin enjoys working for his parents. He's dealing with customers more now, so that's been a welcome change. He's now an "air man" (full of hot air) and he calls salesmen. He seems as though he likes this aspect of the business just as much as doing trike conversions. I think it's a good thing to be well-rounded in business. He knows a bit about every component, which makes him versatile.

Well, I suppose that's all for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend :)


Wachsmann Family said...

As soon as I learn to play I will be there! How about "Moms who Rock" for a band name??

Diana and Dusty said...

Sounds like fun, what a great "dream goal!" How about 31 for Proverbs 31? Im not so creative ;)

Justin and Keri said...

ooooo...I really like 31. What do you think, Carolyn?

Michael and Adriana said...

Oh, had to bring the Sausage Fest into it, didn't ya!?! :) That's too funny...I forgot you knew about such things!! A mom's band sounds awesome...definitely something to embarrass our kids with when they get older....go play at prom, etc. Ha!

Kelly said...

What a dreamer...keep on, keep on! Yeah, you need to get some percussion in there too....a little tambourine goes a long way. Moms who Rock sounds pretty cool! Glad yall are doing good! So did you ever find a guitar?